
Hi! I'm Ali Irsyaad ,
a Software Engineer

Specializing in Backend Engineer with Go and Python.

Profile Picture of Ali Irsyaad

My Career Journey

My Project Portfolio

Want to know more?

A bit about me.

I am . . .


Experienced Backend Engineer

I'm a seasoned software engineer specializing in backend development. Proficient in Go and SQL databases, I excel in building and maintaining robust backend applications. With strong problem-solving skills and natural leadership abilities, I'm passionate about leveraging technology to create innovative solutions.


Passionate Self-Taught Developer

I'm a self-taught developer passionate about tech. I thrive on solving coding puzzles and bridging communication gaps between teams


An excellent communicator

Communication is key and it's a paramount value of mine. I believe in transparency and constructive communication above all else. This helps me develop deep relationships and ensures my effectiveness and productivity in any work space with any team.